Completed projects
This page lists some of the law reform projects completed by the Scottish Law Commission in recent years. You can link from the list to further details about each project. The details generally reflect the state of the projects at completion, but in some cases the details have been updated to show progress with implementation of our final recommendations. Joint projects with the Law Commission are also included. For details of our current projects see the Law reform projects page.
Most of the work was carried out under the authority of our Programmes of Law Reform or a reference from the Scottish Ministers under section 3(1)(e) of the Law Commissions Act 1965.
- Adults with incapacity
- Aspects of leases: Termination
- Aspects of the law of prescription
- Automated vehicles
- Compulsory Purchase
- Consolidation of statutes
- Consumer redress for misleading and aggressive practices
- Consumer remedies
- Contract law in light of the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR)
- Criminal liability of partnerships
- Crown appeals
- Damages for wrongful death
- Defamation
- Double jeopardy
- Electoral Law
- Insurance law
- Interest on debt and damages
- Judicial factors
- Land registration
- Leasehold tenure
- Level crossings
- Moveable transactions
- Personal injury actions
- Prescription and title to moveable property
- Regulation of health care professionals
- Review of sexual offences
- Section 53 of the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003
- Sharp v Thomson
- Similar fact evidence and the Moorov doctrine
- Succession
- Surrogacy
- Trusts
- Unfair contract terms
- Unfair terms in consumer contracts
- Unincorporated associations