
Below is an archive of Commission news. You can also register to receive updates of future news items.

For a full record of news releases published since 2000, see the News Releases page.

2 November 2015 - Scottish Public Law Group Seminar: The Scottish Law Commission at 50: Law reform in the 21st Century.

The Scottish Public Law Group are hosting an evening seminar on Thursday, 19 November: 5:30 for 6pm, at the Laigh Hall, Edinburgh. Read more...

2 November 2015 - Bankruptcy legislation being consolidated

The Bankruptcy (Scotland) Bill, prepared by the Scottish Law Commission, has been introduced in the Scottish Parliament. Read more...

28 October 2015 - Law reform - What are we up to?

We have today issued our Autumn 2015 e-Bulletin

23 October 2015 - Unjustified threats on intellectual property rights: consultation by The IPO

The Law Commission of England and Wales has published a Report and Bill Read more...

6 October 2015 - 50th Presentation from the Law Society of Scotland

The Chairman of the Commission, Lord Pentland, was delighted to receive a presentation from the Law Society of Scotland to celebrate the Commission's 50th anniversary. Read more...

2 October 2015 - Prescription and Title to Moveable Property (Scotland) Bill

The Scottish Government consultation on the SLC Report on Prescription and Title to Moveable Property closed on 23 September. Read more...