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443 publications
Publication year:

1991 Report 131: Twenty-Sixth Annual Report 1990-91


No legislation required.

1990 DP/CM 91: Law of the Tenement

1990 DP/CM 90: Extra-Territorial Effect of Arrestments and Related Matters

1990 DP/CM 89: The Effect of Death on Damages

1990 DP/CM 88: Parental Responsibilities and Rights, Guardianship and the Administration of Children's Property

1990 DP/CM 87: Statutory Fees for Arrestees

1990 DP/CM 86: The Effects of Cohabitation in Private Law

1990 DP/CM 85: Family Law: Pre-Consolidation Reforms

1990 Report 129: Private International Law: Choice of Law in Tort and Delict