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443 publications
Publication year:

1988 Report 112: Requirements of Writing

1988 Report 111: Court of Session Bill: Report on the Consolidation of Certain Enactments, and the Repeal of Other Enactments, relating to the Court of Session

1987 DP/CM 80: Evidence - Blood Group Tests, DNA Tests and Related Matters

1987 DP/CM 79: Equalisation of Diligences

1987 DP/CM 77: Criminal Evidence - Affidavit Evidence, Hearsay and Related Matters in Criminal Proceedings

1987 DP/CM 76: The Grounds for Divorce - Should the law be changed?

1987 DP/CM 75: The Evidence of Children and Other Potentially Vulnerable Witnesses

1987 74: Prescription and Limitation of Actions (Latent Damage)

1987 Report 110: Legal Capacity and Responsibility of Minors and Pupils