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443 publications
Publication year:

1983 Report 74: Prescripton and the Limitation of Actions: Report on Personal Injuries Actions and Private International Law Questions

1983 DP/CM 58: Sale and Supply of Goods

1983 DP/CM 57: Matrimonial Property

1982 Report 73: Seventeenth Annual Report 1981-82


No legislation required.

1982 Report 72: Financial Provision after Foreign Divorce

1982 Report 71: Fourth Programme of Consolidation and Statute Law Revision

1982 DP/CM 56: Polygamous Marriages (Capacity to Contract a Polygamous Marriage and the Concept of the Potentially Polygamous Marriage)

1982 DP/CM 55: Civil Liability in relation to Animals

1982 DP/CM 54: Some Obsolete and Discriminatory Rules in the Law of Husband and Wife

1982 DP/CM 53: Family Law: Illegitimacy