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443 publications
Publication year:

1984 Report 90: Breach of Confidence


No legislation required.

1984 Report 89: Nineteenth Annual Report 1983-84


No legislation required.

1984 Report 88: Private International Law: Report on Recognition of Foreign Nullity Decrees and Related Matters

1984 Report 87: Further Amendments of the Companies Acts 1948-1983

1984 Report 86: Family Law: Report on Matrimonial Property

1984 Report 85: Road Traffic Regulation: Report on the consolidation of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967 and certain related enactments

1984 Report 84: Dentists Bill: Report on the Consolidation of the Dentists Acts 1957-1983

1984 Report 83: Amendment of the Companies Acts 1948-1983

1984 Report 82: Family Law: Report on Illegitimacy

1984 Report 81: Eighteenth Annual Report 1982-83


No legislation required.